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humiSteam Xplus Wellness Basic

The use of steam baths, Turkish baths, or hammams, as they are called in the Middle East, dates back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and their cleansing effect and health benefits mean they continue to be used today.

Steam humidification
for a health treatment practiced since ancient times
and now used all over the world.

The treatment is performed in a room where relative humidity is kept at around 100%, with a temperature between 40 and 50°C at head height. Compared to the dry environment of a sauna, perspiration is less intense, however considering that the treatment can last longer, much more perspiration is produced, with numerous health benefits.

Essential oils are often added to the steam, such as eucalyptus, to further enhance the feeling of well-being during the session. As well as providing humidity and distributing essences, CAREL humidifiers for wellness applications can also control the lights and fans in the steam bath.

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